Inglés: preparación de exames de B2


Inscription period closed.


Registration period closed.

Event description

This course is aimed at candidates who have a B2 level of English and who want to obtain a certificate of this level. Throughout the course they will be able to prepare for different level tests (CertACLES B2, Firs- FCE, EOI, IELTS and APTIS); They will learn about the differences between each exam and will receive the necessary training to be able to take the one that best suits their needs.

In order to successfully pass the different parts of the chosen level test, the candidates will put into practice, through varied strategies, the required language skills: oral and written comprehension and oral and written production and interaction.



Documents to be submitted

Os estudantes da UDC deben xuntar a fotocopia da matrícula universitaria do curso 2021/22.

Os PDI e PAS da UDC deben xuntar a fotocopia da tarxeta universitaria.

O público externo debe achegar o seu DNI.

Non se admite domiciliación bancaria.


Date of event: From 2/3/2022 to 4/28/2022
Date of inscription: From 12/1/2021 to 1/21/2022
Date of registration: From 1/17/2022 to 1/26/2022
Date of next registration period: From 2/17/2022 to 2/25/2022


Official price: 120,00
Official price (in several installments): 60,00

Help and information

Contact phone: 881 01 4751 / 4752

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Inglés: preparación de exames de B2

Date: From 2/3/2022 to 4/28/2022
Schedule: Xoves, 18:00 - 20:00 h.
Location: En liña
Registration: 120,00 €