Francés para a Moda


Inscription period closed.


Registration period closed.

Event description

20-hour course focused on French fashion in its terminology and vocabulary. Course content includes cultural, professional and intrinsic topics  of this sector from the French-speaking point of view, as well as its repercussion at an international and media level. Different linguistic competences will be developed, in such a way that, to follow this course, it is essential to have at least an ESO or Bachillerato  level of French (A2).

Cours de 20 heures consacré à la mode française en ce qui concerne sa terminologie et vocabulaire. Des sujets spécifiques à la mode seront abordés du point de vue culturel, francophone.  Les élèves s'exerceront dans différentes compétences lingüistiques. Par conséquent, il est indispensable de posséder des connaissances minimum de français de la ESO ou du Bachillerato (A2).

Documents to be submitted

Os estudantes da UDC deben xuntar a fotocopia da matrícula universitaria do curso 2023/24

Os PDI e PAS da UDC deben xuntar a fotocopia da tarxeta universitaria.

O público externo debe achegar o seu DNI.

Non se admite domiciliación bancaria.


Date of event: From 1/8/2024 to 1/23/2024
Date of inscription: From 12/11/2023 to 1/4/2024
Date of registration: From 12/11/2023 to 1/4/2024


Official price: 80,00

Help and information

Contact phone: 981-167000 Ext. 3626

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Francés para a Moda

Date: From 1/8/2024 to 1/23/2024
Schedule: De luns a xoves, 10:00 a 12:00 h
Location: Ferrol
Registration: 80,00 €