English for Business and Entrepeneurship


Inscription period closed.


Registration period closed.

Event description

This course is aimed at those with a B2 level or higher, who wish to improve their specific Business English vocabulary, fluency in speaking in a formal setting, and the application of specialized techniques in written English. The course will include:
-Business vocabulary practice.
-Formal writing practice.
-Formal speaking practice.
-Case study reviews.

Documents to be submitted

Os estudantes da UDC deben xuntar a fotocopia da matrícula universitaria do curso 2022/23.

Os PDI e PAS da UDC deben xuntar a fotocopia da tarxeta universitaria.

O público externo debe achegar o seu DNI.

Non se admite domiciliación bancaria.


Date of event: From 7/3/2023 to 7/27/2023
Date of inscription: From 4/10/2023 to 6/12/2023
Date of registration: From 6/14/2023 to 6/26/2023

Help and information

Contact phone: 881 01 4751 / 4752
Email: centrodelinguas@udc.es

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English for Business and Entrepeneurship

Date: From 7/3/2023 to 7/27/2023
Schedule: De luns a xoves, 11:00 - 13:00 h.
Location: A Coruña