Italiano B1.1


Inscription period closed.


Registration period closed.

Event description

Este curso está dirixido ao alumnado que xa ten un nivel A2 de italiano. Os/as estudantes comezarán a comprender os puntos principais de conversas de certa extensión, contos breves, boletíns informativos de radio e de televisión etc.; aprenderán a narrar historias, a contar experiencias con detalles relevantes e a describir estados de ánimo; e, ademais, poderán expresar soños, desexos, opinións e proxectos.
O material básico do curso será un libro de texto escollido pola profesora e traballarase a través de videochamadas en liña e de tarefas en Moodle.

Documents to be submitted


    15% discount for: (already included in the price)

  • Former students of the Centro de Linguas.
  • UDC Community (students, PDI and PAS).
  • FUAC Community (staff and scholarship holders).
  • Senior University students.

You must attach a proof of your petencence to one of these categories.

The general public must attach their ID card.

Direct debit is not allowed.


Credits: 4,5


Date of event: From 6/22/2020 to 7/29/2020
Date of inscription: From 5/25/2020 to 6/18/2020
Date of registration: From 5/25/2020 to 6/18/2020


Price Público en xeral: 100,00
Price Comunidade UDC, FUAC, Senior e exalumno/a do CL: 85,00

Help and information

Contact phone: 981 16 70 00. Ext. 4751 / 4752

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Italiano B1.1

Date: From 6/22/2020 to 7/29/2020
Schedule: Os luns, martes e mércores, 10:30 a 13:00
Location: A Coruña