Pronunciation in English


Inscription period closed.


Registration period closed.

Event description

Este curso ten como obxectivo traballar as competencias relativas á pronuncia en lingua inglesa. Centrarase principalmente na fonética das palabras e na entonación de oracións e textos e incluirá avaliación individual e práctica a medida. Vai dirixido a aquelas persoas que desexen mellorar o seu inglés oral dentro do ámbito académico ou profesional.

Documents to be submitted

Reduced fee enrollment for Universidade da Coruña students, PDI and PAS.

UDC students should attach a photocopy of their university enrollment for 2016/17.

Universidade da Coruña PDI and PAS should attach a photocopy of their university card.


Date of event: From 5/29/2018 to 7/17/2018
Date of inscription: From 5/1/2018 to 5/13/2018
Date of registration: From 5/14/2018 to 5/23/2018


Price Membros UDC: 168,00
Price Público en xeral: 250,00

Help and information

Contact phone: 981-167000 Ext. 4752 / 4751

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Pronunciation in English

Date: From 5/29/2018 to 7/17/2018
Schedule: Martes e xoves de 12:30 a 14:30 horas
Location: Coruña