Using English as a Higher Education Instructor


Inscription period closed.


Registration period closed.

Event description

The aim of the course is to maximise the use of spoken English in the context of English medium instruction and develop the related language skills and teaching strategies. The course will focus on: improving pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, content and the skills involved in effective academic communication. Feedback on micro-teaching tasks and practice will be central to development.

Este curso é gratuito para o profesorado que participa nos programas oficiais de docencia en inglés da UDC, mais deben informalo enviando un correo electrónico a

Documents to be submitted

Os estudantes da UDC deben xuntar a fotocopia da matrícula universitaria do curso 2021/22.

Os docentes que pertenezcan ao programa PALDI, deben informalo por email ao Centro de Linguas.

Os PDI e PAS da UDC deben xuntar a fotocopia da tarxeta universitaria.

O público externo debe achegar o seu DNI.

Non se admite domiciliación bancaria.


Date of event: From 6/29/2022 to 7/26/2022
Date of inscription: From 4/4/2022 to 6/20/2022
Date of registration: From 6/13/2022 to 6/20/2022


Official price: 120,00

Help and information

Contact phone: 881 01 4751 / 4752

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Using English as a Higher Education Instructor

Date: From 6/29/2022 to 7/26/2022
Schedule: De luns a xoves de 09:00 a 11:00
Location: A Coruña
Registration: 120,00 €