Español A2.1 (Campus Ferrol)


Prazo de inscrición pechado.


Prazo de matrícula pechado.

Información xeral

The Spanish as a Foreign Language Courses (30h) are designed for those students who wish to start learning or improve their Spanish during a stay in our country.

The students can enroll in two 30-hour courses in the first semester. 

An essentially communicative approach is followed in these courses along with the use of the most up-to-date audio-visual technology. The average number of students per group is 15.


Data de celebración: Do 14/02/2018 ó 14/03/2018
Data de inscrición: Do 20/11/2017 ó 31/01/2018
Data de matrícula: Do 15/01/2018 ó 30/01/2018


Tarifa oficial: 0,00
Tarifa Erasmus student: 0,00
Tarifa UDC exchange student: 125,00
Tarifa Non-UDC students: 166,00

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Español A2.1 (Campus Ferrol)

Data: Do 14/02/2018 ó 14/03/2018
Lugar: Ferrol
Matrícula: 0,00 €