Inscription period closed.
The Formal Methods in Architecture (FMA) series began in 2011 and it is a biennial international symposium. The 6FMA will be held at ETSAC-Escola Técnica Superior de Arquitectura da Coruña, Universidade da Coruña (UDC), in Galicia (Spain). The 6FMA will focus on scientific fields whose areas of application use methodologies that stem from the Mathematical and Computer Sciences, especially those that have witnessed recently developments.
The main purpose of this symposium is a contribution to the debate in the fields of Architecture and Urbanism on the application of new formal methods to emerging societal and technical problems. Formal methods will be focused on methodological advances based on new developments coming from collaborative work with Mathematics and Computer Sciences which enables several different grades of abstraction and formalization. From the millennial geometry to current shape grammars, several formal approaches to Architecture and Urbanism are welcome to be presented. The aim of the symposium is to discuss, disseminate and promote the use of formal methods in the creation of new explicit languages for problem-solving in Architecture and Urbanism. We will discuss current problems in the field and the potentials and drawbacks of the use of formal methods to address them. These problems range from production, sustainability, representation, communication, heritage among others, never ceasing to see Architecture and Urbanism as technological activities and well as artistic ones.
Celebration: From May 24th to May 27th 2022
Schedule: 10:00h to 18:00 h
Place: Escola Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Campus da Zapateira. A Coruña (15008)
Pre-registration and registration*:
*Pre-registration is mandatory, due to the limited space available at the venue facilities.
**Payment links are available by clicking on the option of your choice in the table below.
Type |
Early (till Feb 28th) |
Late |
General authors |
Ph.D students authors |
Attendance degree and master students |
Attendance UDC /ESAP professors / researchers; Colexio de Arquitectos de Galicia and Ordem dos Arquitectos members |
Attendance general public |
Workshops attendants |
Number of registrants: Minimun: 25, maximun 125.
Access requirements:
Symposium is open to: academia members, students or professionals of Architecture, Building and Civil engineering; Computer engineering; BSc on Design. People who have already completed a training procedure no Formal Methods, BIM or GIS.
1.Public open space spatial analysis., Extending and integrating UCL Depthmap on a Python-bases workflow |
Joao Ventura Lopes (ISTAR-IUL, ISCTE-IUL) |
2. 3D Space Syntax Analysis |
Franklim Morais (ESAP) Catarina Ruivo (Dinamia’CET-ISCTE) |
Paulo Carvalho (SELVAGEN) |
4. Topologic |
Wassim Jabi (Cardiff University) |
Side events:
There are a number of scheduled activities (cultural, social and trips) that will be confirmed on previous dates according to up to date sanitary situation.
Click here for more information
Documentation to provide at the time of pre-registration:
PhD students, professors and enrolled architects must send a proof of this condition.
Date of event: From 5/24/2022 to 5/27/2022
Date of inscription: From 1/20/2022 to 5/13/2022
Contact phone: +34881014458
6TH internacional symposium formal methods in architecture (FMA)